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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

HHO Generator Install Kit-Easy to Do Yourself With HHO Generator Plans Free

HHO Generator Install Kit-Easy to Do Yourself With HHO Generator Plans Free

Why install a HHO generator?

HHO Generator Install Kit-Easy to Do Yourself With HHO Generator Plans Free

HHO Generator Install Kit-Easy to Do Yourself With HHO Generator Plans Free

HHO Generator Install Kit-Easy to Do Yourself With HHO Generator Plans Free

HHO Generator Install Kit-Easy to Do Yourself With HHO Generator Plans Free

HHO Generator Install Kit-Easy to Do Yourself With HHO Generator Plans Free

If you have already done your research on HHO generators then you known what these hydrogen on demand systems are designed to do.

If not, here it is in a nutshell.

These HHO generators are an MulticompartMent unit that run off the battery of your car that convert water into Brown's Gas or what has been termed H-H-O (Hydrogen-Hydrogen-Oxygen) through very simple actually. This HHO gas when induced into your Air fuel mix and burned together with gasoline or diesel fuel in the internal combustion engine causes better combustion. Better combustion of the fuel already there will increase the gas mileage significantly.

It gets even better. Another thing the HHO gas mixed with your regular fuel does is decrease the amount ofharmful emissions put out by your vehicle. This is because unfortunately for many years the ICE engine in your has not improved much and is very inefficient.

This is not just someones pipe dream ideas the GovernMent has been testing HHO gas injection for a long time and the published docuMents from 1996, 2003, 2007 all evidence this simple technology works.

How do I set up this HHO generator kit for my car?

The whole setup, which has been termed a Hydrogen on Demand system consists of a water reservoir (with the HHO dry cell design) an multicompartment also known as the HHO generator, some tubing, a few feet of wire and a couple of automotive electrical parts.

After you have all the parts required to install your hydrogen on demand system, youfind an appropriate place under the hood to fit the hydrogen generator install tubing to your throttle body or carburetor logo, install wiring and viola! No external power source is needed as you just need to power it with your car battery.

Parts needed for a Hydrogen on Demand system:

1. the HHO Generator Multicompartment

2. HHO Generator Wiring Harness

3. Tubing for Water Charging

4. Vacuum Hose HHO gas feed

Other Optional HHO Parts:

1. The Optimizer commonly called dual edge map sensor enhancer

2. The Optimizer for O2 sensor commonly called EFIE Electronic Fuel Injector-Enhancer

Thousands of drivers have installed Hydrogen on Demand on their vehicles and are enjoying the savings.

There arefew different ways you could get your HHO generator kit installed and start saving loads of money.

I would not recommend buying one of those "guides" on how to build a Hydrogen on demand system. For what you pay for the reading material you can actually buy the HHO dry cell DIY kit and build your own HHO generator, it really is very easy.

1. You can buy only the HHO generator, we highly recommend the HHO dry cell, and round up the rest of the parts needed to complete your hydrogen on demand system.

2. You can also buy a complete HHO dry cell kits from a reliable source and simply install it according to easy to follow instruction.

For a couple hundred Dollars you too could have your Complete HHO Dry Cell System up and running.

HHO Generator Install Kit-Easy to Do Yourself With HHO Generator Plans Free

Monday, March 5, 2012

Jeep Cherokee XJ Alternator Replacement

Jeep Cherokee XJ Alternator Replacement

One of the more vulnerable points on the otherwise very reliable Jeep Cherokee is the alternator. The alternator is located very low on the engine and is susceptible to damage from mud and water during off road conditions.

Jeep Cherokee XJ Alternator Replacement

Jeep Cherokee XJ Alternator Replacement

Jeep Cherokee XJ Alternator Replacement

Jeep Cherokee XJ Alternator Replacement

Jeep Cherokee XJ Alternator Replacement

Usually the first indication of an alternator failure will be the check engine light. The ECU controls the alternator and will detect when it is not responding properly to its commands. The second indication will be a drop in volTAGe.

To replace the alternator:

1. Remove the battery and battery tray.
2. Remove the Air box and loosen the bolts on the power steering pump to loosen the belt. It is not absolutely necessary to loosen the belt to reinstall the alternator but it make sit a lot easier.
3. Working from under the Jeep, remove themain power wire from the alternator. This will be the large wire with a cover over the bolt
4. Next remove the control wires. On some older models these are held in place by a somewhat unusual 7 mm bolt. There are four bots total holding this connection in place.
5. Now, working from the top, remove the upper and lower mounting bolts.
6. Note the stamped steel stiffener part on the front of the engine that the alternator bolts. Loosen but do not remove the bolt next to the alternator bracket. This will help get space to reinstall the new alternator.
7. To get the alternator out of the engine bay, you will likely have to raise the engine slightly. The easiest way to do this is with a jack under the engine oil sump. Be sure to spread the load with a block ofwood to avoid damage to the sump.
8. You may also have the slightly bend the AC lines if they interfere with removal of the alternator.
9. Install the new alternator into place.
10. Lower the engine back into place and reinstall the mounting bolts.
11. Tighten the bolt beside the mounting bolt if you loosened it earlier.
12. Replace the control wiring harness.
13. Replace the main wire. And reposition the cover.
14. Tighten the belt.
15. Tighten the power steering bolts and replace the Air box.
16. Remove any wrenches that you may have left lying around.
17. Reinstall the battery tray and reconnect the battery and give it a test run.
18. The check engine light should be gone immediately and the battery volTAGe should beginto climb.

Note that if you allowed the battery to discharge before you replaced the alternator, it is a good idea to charge the battery from a different source before installing a new alternator. The new alternator can be permanently damaged by placing a high charging load on it at its initial startup.

Jeep Cherokee XJ Alternator Replacement